Friday 27 September 2024

 [reposted from my Facebook/spiderrunners]

So this is a little post to try and hold myself accountable.


Way back in 2012 I decided I needed some motivation to keep myself running. You see, I had already managed to progress from overweight graduate in 1999 to completing my first London marathon in 2003 and then with a small smattering of other smaller events in between I ran it again in 2005 & 2007. But then I faltered, lost my mojo a little and work (and lots of driving) began to take over a little too much. So with the London Olympics around the corner and me looking forward to my role as a 'Games Maker' I decided to start not only running every day, but also writing a blog to try and record my journey. 


This lasted a fair while and it was during this time that I met the stupendous Mike Bullock whilst participating in my first 24hr event at ThunderRun2013. But yet again, life threw up obstacles and both the running and the blogging fell by the wayside.


I then managed to scrape my butt of the sofa and back on the road again in 2019. I was feeling good about the coming months and looking forward to spewing my verbosity with a passion. I don't need to tell you what came next. The four horsemen coaches of the apocalypse, lockdown, COVID etc...and I seemed to be the only person in the world who now DIDN'T want to go for a jog!


So the promised return of my blog I hinted at in 2019 didn't materialise and my running took a total dive; my weight spiralling to the highest it had ever been. But again, this didn't last forever, and during this time Mike had been busy with Susan setting up Spider Runners, which I joined back in August 2020.  Once normality returned (kind of!) and the trails became less crowded I resumed my practice of relentless forward motion, with walks, jeffes and a little cycling towards the end of 2023. 






Through all this though, I have always considered myself a runner, just maybe not always felt confident enough to say it out loud.  I think there is something that we all share.  Something about the struggles we overcome when we step outside to train; be it the first steps along C25K, a rainy track session to get our 5k time down or those first few miles of a long run as we build up towards a marathon…or further! 

When I haven’t felt like running, I’ve always known I will come back to it and so, this post is about me starting afresh AGAIN.

Having almost forgotten to train for Equinox24 and then struggling with injury and a last-minute sprain of the ankle, last weekend could have been a total disaster for me.  But the positivity I found in this group, the humour, the helpful advice, it all helped get me though my 5 laps at Belvoir Castle and the love and camaraderie I see here is something I know I want to be part of.  

Still rocking the wig.  With Craig, Susan, Mike and Big Rich

It was great meeting more spiders at the weekend and I hope to get to know more of you over the coming months, chatting on the group and on the odd occasion I eventually make it out to more events as family life permits.


There you have it.  In bits and pixels.  I am back on my running journey again and I hope, this time to try and capture a little more of it over on the blog I started way back in 2012.  So please feel free to ignore my ramblings.  But if you fancy following along, head over to and I believe you can subscribe for updates if that sort of thing interests you at all.

Happy trails everyone.

Friday 11 October 2019

Like a Phoenix...

Watch this space....after a six year running hiatus (and quite a bit of therapy) I might be ready to talk running again!

Monday 29 April 2013

The running mom...

Post race refreshments after PEI [5:40:27] 

Sometimes our reasons for getting out the door and pushing ourselves hard each day can get forgotten.  My mom is one of my running heroes and my inspiration to keep trying harder to reach my goals.

I started running in 2001, after a friend and I both entered the 2002 London marathon as a bit of a bet...I got in he didn't.  I deferred until 2003 and I don't think he hurt and I ended up in hospital (another story!!), but I did finish.  Even though hyponatraemia gave me quite a scare, I realised that I actually quite enjoyed myself...and slightly more worryingly so did my mom!

"I want to run a marathon" she declared one evening over the phone.  "I'm going to join a club and take up running" she informed me and so began one of the most committed journeys from sofa to start line I have ever experienced.

It wasn't going to be an easy trip, mom was never a sporty person and aside from the intense cardio work outs that come hand in hand with active parenting, she had little experience of even going to the gym.  But she soon discovered Bourneville Harriers and not only did she start making lots of new running friends, it wasn't long before she was on the committee and training as a coach!

Watching mom cross the finishing line at the Prince Edward Island Marathon in a respectable first timers time of 5:40:27 (only a few minutes off my first FLM time of 5:33:45) was one of the proudest moments that I can recall.  Knowing how hard she had worked made me realise that almost all of the struggles we have in completing our goals are in our heads.  She's a tough one my mom!

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Kielder Marathon

Completed! Slow but very enjoyable...I'm way behind on my blogging but plan to catch up again soon with a 2012 update and some more about Kielder.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Half way...almost

Well Sunday was the half way marker in the 2012 challenge, half the year gone. So how does the target look?

After last weeks epic Mull mileage I had hoped to be almost bang on the required 1006 miles, looking towards the long run home...well I'm not quite there yet.

As of yesterday my total was 992.2 miles.

It's been a fun year to date, if a bit of rollercoaster! The mileage has grown steadily and at one point in February it looked as though my weekly totals were heading well above the required 38.5 miles. However this turned out to be too much too soon and I was soon nursing shin pain that had me back to minimal mileage.

But I got through that and in the process of recovery smashed my 10k PB to a new 46:13 and hit a new marathon PB of 4:13:15.

Things were looking up as June started until life took over and I only had time for small runs. However I had a plan!

As I knew we would be heading up to Mull at the end of the month, I hatched a plan to catch up my mileage in an epic week of running around the island.

You can read more about that adventure when I post at the weekend, but for now I'll just say it wasn't quite the loop I was looking for and resulted in a nasty shin injury that is proving very painful to get moving.

So, back to minimal slow two mile runs to sustain my LUR streak for the foreseeable future and hope that I don't slip too far behind again.

But I have learnt a few interesting things.

Slow long runs (10min plus pace) can happen on consecutive days without the world ending. And pain is a funny thing...I know it wants me to stop, but it somehow motivates me to keep going.

A friend said to me after my Mull run..."learn to love your pains; you've earned them". So that's what I'm going to do, it's a reminder of the journey that I'm on and so long as it doesn't get any worse I will keep the streak going as long as I possibly some ways that is becoming more of a challenge that the miles.

Anyway, most of all I know that I'm in better shape now than I have been for a long time...I feel happy, have made a few new running friends and can't wait for the new challenges that this year still has to offer.

Sunday 24 June 2012

Mull Madness minus 1

Just back in from an easy two miler to get the legs ready for the off tomorrow and it's amazing what a difference some rest and a lazy holiday day can make.

Yesterday I was quite worried after my streaking two miles. My shins were sore, my right shin throbbing and hot afterwards and I was feeling a little light headed and dizzy even thought I only managed a slow pace.

Tonight however the breeze was refreshing and I felt so happy to have the chance to attempt to run around Mull. I was tempted to keep on going and see how far I managed, but I'll keep that in the back for tomorrow.

I'm sure by Tuesday or Wednesday I'll be longing for that rested feeling, but for now I'm going to have some supper, watch the football and go to bed happy in the knowledge that I'm going to start a cracking adventure tomorrow, one that I hope will give me even more great Mull memories to share with my family and friends.

The Burg from the garden of Traigh Mhor.
I'll be running behind the Burg tomorrow as I head towards Ben More.

(I'll try and post up some progress, but Internet via mobile is pretty ropey and so more pictures may have to wait until my return!)

Friday 22 June 2012

Mull Madness, or not quite an ULTRA but...

I seem to be forever apologising about the lack of regular posts, but truth be told between work, baby preparations (ie complete gutting of our flat!) and maintaining my running streak, there just doesn't seem to be enough time to blog on a daily or even weekly basis.  In fact if you check my dailymile progress you may even be fooled into thinking I've not run for a while.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

Despite some pretty foul weather and being forced into running late in the evening (often past 11pm!) I have not only maintained my streak, but also increased my minimum distance to 2miles and thrown in the requirement for 50 sit-ups and 50 push-ups each day.  These additions are part of me joining the Louisiana Ultra Runners Streak Clique, a lovely bunch of running nuts!

Anyway, I digress since the purpose of this post was to update on my plans for next week when we visit the beautiful Isle of Mull, off the west coast Scotland.

Mull is a very special place for me.  It holds my favourite places on the planet and has an almost magical ability to put me at ease with everything going on  in my life and I've been going there once or twice a year almost every year after being introduced to the island by my lovely wife Jenny in 1999.

So, since I have fallen behind a little with my #run2012miles challenge I though what better way to catch up than to run around the island that I love.  107miles in 6 bad could it be?

The crazy plan: A little over four marathons in 6 days

This is part of my run2012miles challenge raising money for 5 great charities.  If you'd like to help support these please click on the Virgin Money Giving button on the top right of the blog...thank you for your support!

Monday, Day 01: 12.5 miles, 558 ft of climb (DETAILS)

Gribun to Ben More
Starting off at the turning to the Gribun, day one is the shortest day to allow me to establish a steady slow and comfortable pace that hopefully won't leave me too wrecked for the rest of the week.  The first four miles are fairly flat and then there is a three mile Cat 5 climb before a steady descent to the coast and the undulating road to the Ben More car park.

Tuesday, Day 02: 18.5 miles, 650 ft of climb (DETAILS)

Ben More to Tostarie
This is my excuse for missing yet another Up&Running shop run with my friends in Bristol!  Although through day 2 the sea is always in sight, there are some serious undulations starting from around the 9 mile marker.  A 1.5 mile climb incorporating another Cat 5 climb of 200 ft is the toughest of the day, but hopefully the beautiful views of Loch Na Keal and across Loch Tuath to Ulva will make up for the discomfort.  The run ends at Tostarie, a cottage Jen and I once stayed in over Christmas. 

Wednesday, Day 03: 18.1 miles, 1129 ft of climb (DETAILS)

Tostarie to Tobermory
This will be a tough day.  Starting with another cat 5 climb inland over Tresnish point before descending down towards the coast and along to Calgary bay before climbing across the north of the island through Dervaig and the windy roads and a further 3 cat 5 climbs before descending into Tobermory and with any luck some fish and chips on the pier from the van that features in Les Routiers!

Thursday, Day 04: 20.7 miles, 728 ft of climb (DETAILS)

Tobermory to Craignure
This will be an early start as we are staying just outside Bunessan at Traigh Mhor, The drive to Tobermory is around 90mins each way.  Day 4 stays along the coast road with views across the sound of Mull back to the mainland.  This is probably the leg I am least looking forward to as it starts with a steep climb that continues for the first four miles before dropping down again to the undulating coast.  This is the longest leg and along a fast A-road without any pavement.  The only plus side is that unlike the vast majority of the island which is single track, there are at least lanes for traffic in each direction!  Getting to the car park at Calmac Ferry Terminal in Craignure will be a relief!  I'm told we are celebrating at the ninth wave...I think I'll have the lobster nomnomnom!

Friday, Day 05: 19.5 miles, 755 ft of climb (DETAILS)

Craignure to Pennyghael
Very little sea to see on Day 5, but the run through the glen is spectacular.  I've run this before and know that the climb up through the glen of over 600ft in 6 miles is tough, even on fresh legs.  But the feeling that you get encompassed by the wonderful mountains is really quite breathtaking.  I just hope that I'm in a state able to appreciate it.  This run may very well take me in excess of 4 hours on tired legs, but words can't descibe how happy I will be when i pass the Gribun turning just before Pennyghael knowing that I have completed a ciruit of the island on foot.  Wish me luck in getting there...I will sleep well on Friday night!

Saturday, Day 06: 15.5 miles, 397 ft climbed (DETAILS)

Pennyghael to Fionnphort
The final stretch and it is out along the Ross.  This is the bit of Mull that makes me tingle, that has me not sleeping like a child before christmas on the build up and contains some of the most magical places imaginable.  Unfortunately for you I'm not sharing my secrets here as they need to be discovered to be most of Mull, the more time you put into exploring, the greater your rewards and enjoyment!
So a steady and enjoyable stretch to finish with along through Pennyghael and Bunessan and finishing at the Iona Ferry.  I think it would be rude not to have lunch at the one and only Keel Row and maybe soak my feet off the jetty celebrating smashing through the half way mark of my 2012 challenge!

Totals: 104.8 miles, 4217 ft climbed

So with any luck, that will be 4 marathons in 6 days, an epic weeks running of over 100 miles and hopefully I should be through the half way mark for my 2012 challenge!

It won't be possible without some serious support from Jenny and possibly Phil driving me to the starts and scrapping me up at the end of the day when I'm done...and also Mam Reed who will be filling me up with Mull pie amongst other things to make sure I'm fuelled for my runs!

I'm not an ultra runner yet, but I hope one day I'll get there!