Friday 16 March 2012

Ahead of the curve...but falling behind!

Apologies are needed.


It has been almost three weeks since my last blog, and boy what a lot has happened since then. Hopefully you'll see why I've kinda had my hands full.

First up is a status update.

My wife and I are pleased to announce that we are expecting our first baby in September. Obviously we're pretty chuffed with this news and those of you who follow me on Twitter or Facebook will have known for a whole now. I'm both scared and excited; the rough proportions of these two emotions vary on a daily basis. We are almost 14wks in and so just at the start of the second trimester.

I thought I had loads of reading to do with my running, but that's nothing compared to fatherhood! I almost wonder if Amazon have a vested interest in the pro-life lobby...there is certainly a wealth of stuff out there and that's before we even start on all the accessories!

So although I'm hoping to keep running every day I can certainly see its going to be very difficult come September. In fact, given our ETA of 18th Sept, my entry into the Kielder marathon on October 7th may start to look risky. Oh boy! (or girl!)

That aside I've also been very busy at work and have had a stinky cold that has left me feeling that sleep is far more preferable to yet more Internet.

So happy news aside I am focusing on trying not to feel too sorry for myself.

Yes I only ran 30 odd miles last week...yes I may have even less in the bag this week, but what does it matter?

I've run every day and even when I'm feeling crappy have found a quick couple of KMs is perfect for raising my spirits. I've come to distinguish between physical exhaustion and mental exhaustion, and also to realise that through my running I'm training to combat both of these foes.

I understand myself enough to know that I take on too much and have a tendency to get stressed about things when they don't go exactly to plan, but what I'm not very good at is taking the advice of those who are there to help keep me on a steady course.

But I am trying...

Change is a gradual process, and I'm lucky to have some wonderful friends and family to help shape me into someone who understands a little better not only my own limits but also my own potential.

This quote sort of sums it up...

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” -Anatole France

So although I've dropped off a little from my 50+mile weeks, I know that it is temporary. I believe I can do it and won't stop dreaming that we will also raise loads of money to make a difference to some amazing people.

I have some time off work next week...I think I'm going to have to start formulating my plan!


(I'll shake this cold first though!)