Monday 29 April 2013

The running mom...

Post race refreshments after PEI [5:40:27] 

Sometimes our reasons for getting out the door and pushing ourselves hard each day can get forgotten.  My mom is one of my running heroes and my inspiration to keep trying harder to reach my goals.

I started running in 2001, after a friend and I both entered the 2002 London marathon as a bit of a bet...I got in he didn't.  I deferred until 2003 and I don't think he hurt and I ended up in hospital (another story!!), but I did finish.  Even though hyponatraemia gave me quite a scare, I realised that I actually quite enjoyed myself...and slightly more worryingly so did my mom!

"I want to run a marathon" she declared one evening over the phone.  "I'm going to join a club and take up running" she informed me and so began one of the most committed journeys from sofa to start line I have ever experienced.

It wasn't going to be an easy trip, mom was never a sporty person and aside from the intense cardio work outs that come hand in hand with active parenting, she had little experience of even going to the gym.  But she soon discovered Bourneville Harriers and not only did she start making lots of new running friends, it wasn't long before she was on the committee and training as a coach!

Watching mom cross the finishing line at the Prince Edward Island Marathon in a respectable first timers time of 5:40:27 (only a few minutes off my first FLM time of 5:33:45) was one of the proudest moments that I can recall.  Knowing how hard she had worked made me realise that almost all of the struggles we have in completing our goals are in our heads.  She's a tough one my mom!

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